26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) held jointly with the SEPM-CES SEDIMENT 2008 - 23. Sedimentologen-Treffen, Bochum, Germany, September 1-3, 2008

Excursion Guidebook - EDGG 2008 . Heft 237, Exkursionsführer der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften

Informationen über das Buch
Herausgeber Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung
Format DIN A 4
Seitenumfang 168
Bindeart Klebegebundene Broschüre
Informationen Editorial handling: N. Rameil, T.D. Wieczorek & A. Immenhauser. 189 Abb., 1 Tab.
Erscheinungsort Duderstadt 2008


  23. Sedimentologen-Treffen, Bochum, Germany, September 1-3, 2008.   Inhaltsverzeichnis Field trip PRE2 - Late Carboniferous clastic sequences of the southern Ruhr Basin (Germany) G. Drozdzewski, A. Schäfer, M.r. Brix Field trip PRE5 - Frasnian reefs, mounds and atolls from Belgium: sedimentology and palaeogeography F. Boulvain, A.-C. da Silva Field trip PRE6 - Groundwater table caves: Quaternary cave systems in the north-eastern Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany) R. Dreyer, S. Niggemann, D.k. Richter, D.f.c. Riechelmann Field trip POST1 - The drowned land of Saeftinghe Poppe de boer, george Postma , kick Kleverlaan Field trip POST2 - Syntectonic sedimentation in front of a late Cretaceous growth fault - the Harz Mountains and the adjacent Subhercynian Basin (Germany) T. Voigt, H. von Eynatten Field Trip POST3 - Devonian Reefs of Central Europe: Examples from the Harz Mountains Eberhard Gischler Field trip POST4 - The evolution of a Cretaceous epicontinental sea: from lacustrine via pelagic t

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  • 26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) held jointly with the SEPM-CES SEDIMENT 2008 - 23. Sedimentologen-Treffen, Bochum, Germany, September 1-3, 2008
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  • ISBN: 978-3-936617-88-7
  • Verfügbarkeit Restexemplare
  • 29,95 €
